How to Use Advanced Twitter Search

How to use advanced twitter search for brands
Advanced Twitter Search is awesome!

Twitter has been with us for over a decade now. This amazing communication platform has brought the world to our fingertips. One of the best ways for people and brands to connect is via search. Learn how to use Advanced Twitter Search to its full potential.

When you’re logged into Twitter, at the top-right corner, you have Basic Search. If you’re a regular person, it’s good enough: find hashtags that might interest you, for example. If you’re a company or brand, however, it seems lacking. You’ll be better off, then, using Twitter’s Advanced Search. It gives you various factors to find just the right content, people, and customers.






  • Select – Find tweets that are either positivenegative, or a question. Also, include ReTweets in your results. (Halloween” questions)

How to use Advanced Twitter Search for Brands

Now that you know the details of how Advanced Search works, it’s time to put that knowledge to good use. Say you were a local bakery: try searching for tweets about cookies in San Diego with questions. If you’re a Mexican cartoonist, search for Spider-Man in Spanish, during the latest year. What if you’re a restaurant looking to snipe your competitor’s disgruntled clientèle? The possibilities are endless with a little creativity.

Hopefully this guide helps you use Twitter Search like never before.

And don’t forget to check out the first tweet ever.

By Victor

Victor founded VmC Ink. in 2001. It is an organization that encompasses computer topics, design ideas, and financial opinions, among other topics.


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