Twitter has been with us for over a decade now. This amazing communication platform has brought the world to our fingertips. One of the best ways for people and brands to connect is via search. Learn how to use Advanced Twitter Search to its full potential.
When you’re logged into Twitter, at the top-right corner, you have Basic Search. If you’re a regular person, it’s good enough: find hashtags that might interest you, for example. If you’re a company or brand, however, it seems lacking. You’ll be better off, then, using Twitter’s Advanced Search. It gives you various factors to find just the right content, people, and customers.
- All of these words – Find tweets containing all the words you entered, in any order (“Happy” and “Halloween”).
- This exact phrase – Find tweets containing the exact words, in order, you entered (“Happy Halloween”).
- Any of these words – Find tweets containing any of the words you entered, in any order (“Happy” or “Halloween”).
- None of these words – Find tweets that don’t contain a word; works best with any of the above (“Happy” but not “Halloween”).
- These Hashtags – Find tweets with a Hashtag (“#Hallowen”).
- Written in – Find tweets a variety of Languages; works best with any of the above (“#Halloween” en Español)
- From these accounts – Find tweets from a Twitter account; works with any of the above (“Halloween” from “@WhiteHouse”).
- To these accounts – Find tweets sent as replies to a Twitter account; works with any of the above (“Halloween” replies to “@WhiteHouse”).
- Mentioning these accounts – Find tweets that mention a Twitter account; works with any of the above (“Halloween” mentioning “@WhiteHouse”).
- Near this place – Find tweets from a geographic location, like City, State, or Country (“Halloween” in London).
- From this date – Find tweets before a date, after a date, or in a date range (“Halloween” tweets in 2006).
- Select – Find tweets that are either positive, negative, or a question. Also, include ReTweets in your results. (“Halloween” questions)
How to use Advanced Twitter Search for Brands
Now that you know the details of how Advanced Search works, it’s time to put that knowledge to good use. Say you were a local bakery: try searching for tweets about cookies in San Diego with questions. If you’re a Mexican cartoonist, search for Spider-Man in Spanish, during the latest year. What if you’re a restaurant looking to snipe your competitor’s disgruntled clientèle? The possibilities are endless with a little creativity.
Hopefully this guide helps you use Twitter Search like never before.
And don’t forget to check out the first tweet ever.